
StranoWeb Ajax Login is an Ajax Popup for Login, Register, Forgot Password, Logout and more!

Stranoweb Ajax Login replaces WordPress login, register and lost password default forms with beautiful Ajax popups and comes with a lot of amazing features.

It’s fully customizable, responsive and GDPR compliant.
Stranoweb Ajax Login includes social logins, manages user verification and allows to restrict WordPress admin dashboard to certain user roles.

And works with every theme!

StranoWeb Ajax Login WordPress plugin Responsive
Demos of StranoWeb Ajax Login Popups

Ajax Modal Popup with several different layout models

With StranoWeb Ajax Login you can customize your forms as you like without any code!

Add images, change background, text and buttons color, and if you like to get your hands dirty you can add your custom css.

Improve customer acquisition with social logins

Social Login makes it easier for visitors to your site to become customers by using their existing social media credentials to register on your site.

With Stranoweb Ajax Login, you can easily add some of the most popular social logins to login form, even on WooCommerce login form.

Stranoweb Ajax Login Social Logins
StranoWeb Ajax Login WordPress plugin user verification

User verification

To reduce the number of spam accounts you can add the user verification to your website. It can be by user approval by administrators or email verification.

No more spam accounts!

Restrict access to WordPress admin dashboard

On some websites you may want that only users with specific roles can access to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.
With Stranoweb Ajax Login WordPress Plugin you can easily manage who can access to the dashboard.

StranoWeb Ajax Login Dashboard Restriction
StranoWeb Ajax Login Register Form builder

Customize your register form

With StranoWeb Ajax Login Drag and Drop fields make ordering and creating register form super easy!

Design your emails

You can easily customize the email notifications received by users on registration and password recovery.

They will perfectly match your website design!

  • Customize email colors and layout
  • Emails content editor
  • Add your logo
  • Add images
  • Footer content editor
Stranoweb Ajax Login Social Logins
StranoWeb Ajax Login Dropdown Submenu

Create a custom dropdown submenu for logged in users

With StranoWeb Ajax Login you can add your custom submenu to the user menu item.
Very usefull when you want to group all the user related links in one place.

The logout item will be automatically added as the last dropdown menu item.

Multilingual and 100% WPML Compatible

Stranoweb Ajax Login comes with 4 languages, English, Italian, French and Hungarian. We made it 100% compatible with WPML, the most popular multilingual plugin.

StranoWeb Ajax Login Wordpress Plugin

StranoWeb Ajax Login Premium and free version features:

Ajax modal popup for login, registration, forgot password and logoutYesYes
Forms input fields validationYesYes
Popup layouts82
Customizable CSSYesYes
reCAPTCHA v2 and reCAPTCHA v3 for new user registrationYesYes
Customizable redirects and permalinkYesYes
Shortcode support on text editorsYesYes
Logged-in dropdown menuYesYes
Styled emailsYesYes
GDPR compliantYesYes
WPML CompatibleYesYes
Drag & Drop Register Form BuilderYesNo
User verification / activationYesNo
Email editorYesNo
Logo UploadYesNo
Custom textsYesNo
Custom login menu item textYesNo
Social loginsFacebook, X, Google, LinkedIn, AmazonTwitter
WordPress admin dashboard restrictionYesNo
Disallow new user registration optionYesNo
Show/Hide password iconYesNo
Option to redirect not logged in users to login formYesNo
LanguagesEnglish, Italian, German, French, HungarianEnglish, Italian, German, French, Hungarian

StranoWeb Ajax Login Full features list

  • Ajax modal popup for login, register, lost password and logout.
  • Same functions are also working on non-popup mode and without javascript.
  • Fully customizable login, register, lost password and logout popups.
  • Form fields validation.
  • 8 popup layouts with image and text over image.
  • Drag & Drop builder for Register form fields
  • Optional custom css setting.
  • Social logins (facebook, X and google, LinkedIn, Amazon) with several icon styles and position displacement.
  • Logged in Menu item: StranoWeb Ajax Login plugin adds a menu item to the main menu with optional user thumbnail and additional dropdown submenu. You can customize thumbnail style, menu item text, link and submenu items.
  • Customizable redirects and permalinks.
  • WordPress admin dashboard access restriction to users with specific roles.
  • Password length, you can choose the minimum length required.
  • Optional reCAPTCHA v2 and reCAPTCHA v3 for new user registration form.
  • Show/Hide password function.
  • Disable new user registration.
  • Styled Forgot password email.
  • Emails editor
  • WPML Compatible
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