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Shortcodes & Triggers


StranoWeb Ajax Login comes with several shortcodes that can be used to insert content inside posts and pages.

  • [swal_socials_login_buttons] – Shows social login buttons.
  • [swal_account_forms] – Shows Login, Register, Forgot Password forms on the same page.
  • [swal_show_login_form] – Shows Login form.
  • [swal_show_register_form] – Shows Register form.
  • [swal_show_forgot_password_form] – Shows Forgot Password form.
  • [swal_show_reset_password_form] – Shows Reset Password form.
  • [swal_show_logout_form] – Shows Logout form.

New shortcodes from version 1.3.0

  • [swal_show_login_form_only hidelink="false"] – Shows flat Login form, hidelink is optional, set to true to hide the form title.
  • [swal_show_register_form_only hidelink="false"] – Shows flat Register form, hidelink is optional, set to true to hide the form title.
  • [swal_show_forgot_password_form_only hidelink="false"] – Shows flat Forgot Password form, hidelink is optional, set to true to hide the form title.

New shortcodes from version 1.6.1

  • [swal_display_login_item hideavatar="false" openlogout="true" class="" loggedintext=""] – Shows only Login item, hideavatar is optional, set to true to hide the avatar, openlogout is optional, set to true to open logout popup on click, class is optional, place here all additional classes, separate with whitespace, loggedintext is optional, you can add a different text for when user is logged in.


To open StranoWeb Ajax Login modal popups simply add any of the following CSS classes to any HTML element.

Note: all the classes open logout popup if the user is logged in.