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Menu Item

Add login item to any menu


StranoWeb Ajax Login doesn’t add the login custom menu item to any menu by default. There are two ways to add it to any menu you want.
Once it has been added you will see something like this:

StranoWeb Ajax Login WordPress Plugin logged in

Or, if you are not logged in, something like this:

StranoWeb Ajax Login WordPress Plugin

Assign the menu item to a navigation menu (the classic way)

Navigate to SW Ajax Login WordPress Plugin setting page:

  1. Click on the tab Menu, select the menus you want to add StranoWeb Ajax Login menu item, and click on the Save Changes button;
    StranoWeb Ajax Login WordPress Plugin
  2. On the next steps you can choose the menu item login text, the user thumbnail appearance (you can even disable it) and the menu item to show when the user is logged in;
    StranoWeb Ajax Login

Assign the menu item to a navigation menu (the new way from version 1.5.7)

Navigate to Appearance -> Menues:

  1. Select an existing menu and click on Select or create a new one;
    StranoWeb Ajax Login WordPress Plugin
  2. On the left column scroll down and open the tab SW Ajax Login endpoints.
    Select the menu item you want to add to the menu (1) and click on Add to Menu button (2).
    The menu item will appear on the right column. You can move it in any position you prefer, even as a submenu (3).
    StranoWeb Ajax Login WordPress Plugin
  3. StranoWeb Ajax Login menu items behave differently depending on whether the user is logged in or not:
    Login link: It opens the Login popup (or goes to the login page if popups are disabled). It appears as “Login” (Or any other text you have chosen), when the user is not logged in.
    It will show the Avatar and User First Name and Last Name (Or any other useful details you have chosen), when the user is logged in;
    Login link submenu: Any menu item added as its submenu is only visible to logged-in users;
    Register link: It opens the Register popup (or goes to the registration page if popups are disabled). It’s only visible to not logged in users and if Anyone can register option is enabled;
    Logout link: It opens the Logout popup (or goes to the logout page if popups are disabled). It’s only visible to logged-in users;

Customize the HTML tags

Optionally you can add some extra classes to the default StranoWeb Ajax Login menu item and dropdown submenu HTML tags, sometimes is necessary to fit your theme layout.

  1. Check the add additional class to a menu item to show the input fields;
    StranoWeb Ajax Login Custom Menu Item